Source code for worms.bblock

import string
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from worms import util
from worms.util import jit
from worms.vis import format_atom
from worms.filters.clash import _chain_bounds
import numba.types as nt
import homog

[docs]def BBlock(entry, pdbfile, filehash, pose, ss): chains = util.get_chain_bounds(pose) ss = np.frombuffer(ss.encode(), dtype='i1') ncac = util.get_bb_coords(pose) stubs = _ncac_to_stubs(ncac) assert len(pose) == len(ncac) assert len(pose) == len(stubs) assert len(pose) == len(ss) conn = _make_connections_array(entry['connections'], chains) if len(conn) is 0: print('bad conn info!', pdbfile) return None, pdbfile # new, missing if ncac.shape[-1] is 4: ncac = ncac.astype(np.float64) elif ncac.shape[-1] is 3: tmp = np.ones((ncac.shape[0], 3, 4), dtype=np.float64) tmp[..., :3] = ncac ncac = tmp else: assert 0, 'bad ncac' npfb = np.frombuffer bblock = _BBlock( connections=conn, file=npfb(entry['file'].encode(), dtype='i1'), filehash=filehash, components=npfb(str(entry['components']).encode(), dtype='i1'), protocol=npfb(entry['protocol'].encode(), dtype='i1'), name=npfb(entry['name'].encode(), dtype='i1'), classes=npfb(','.join(entry['class']).encode(), 'i1'), validated=entry['validated'], _type=npfb(entry['type'].encode(), dtype='i1'), base=npfb(entry['base'].encode(), dtype='i1'), ncac=np.ascontiguousarray(ncac), chains=np.array(chains, dtype='i4'), ss=ss, stubs=np.ascontiguousarray(stubs.astype('f8')), ) return bblock
[docs]def bblock_dump_pdb( out, bblock, dirn, splice, join=True, pos=np.eye(4), chain=0, anum=1, rnum=1 ): chains0 = _chain_bounds(dirn, splice, bblock.chains, trim=0) sponly = _chain_bounds(dirn, splice, bblock.chains, trim=0, spliced_only=1) # chains will have insplice at first ops, outsplice at last pos # either could be none chains = list() chains.append(sponly[0] if dirn[0] < 2 else None) for c in chains0: if np.all(sponly[0] == c) or np.all(sponly[-1] == c): continue chains.append(c) chains.append(sponly[-1] if dirn[1] < 2 else None) aname = [' N ', ' CA ', ' C '] for ic, lbub in enumerate(chains): if lbub is None: continue for i in range(*lbub): for j in (0, 1, 2): xyz = pos @ bblock.ncac[i, j] out.write( format_atom( atomi=anum, atomn=aname[j], resn='GLY', chain=string.ascii_uppercase[chain], resi=rnum, x=xyz[0], y=xyz[1], z=xyz[2], occ=1.0, ) ) anum += 1 rnum += 1 if join == 'bb': continue if join == 'splice' and ic + 1 == len(chains) and dirn[1] < 2: continue chain += 1 if join == 'bb': chain += 1 return chain, anum, rnum
def _ncac_to_stubs(ncac): """ Vector const & center, Vector const & a, Vector const & b, Vector const & c ) { Vector e1( a - b); e1.normalize(); Vector e3( cross( e1, c - b ) ); e3.normalize(); Vector e2( cross( e3,e1) ); M.col_x( e1 ).col_y( e2 ).col_z( e3 ); v = center; """ assert ncac.shape[1:] == (3, 4) stubs = np.zeros((len(ncac), 4, 4), dtype=np.float64) ca2n = (ncac[:, 0] - ncac[:, 1])[..., :3] ca2c = (ncac[:, 2] - ncac[:, 1])[..., :3] # tgt1 = ca2n + ca2c # thought this might make # tgt2 = ca2n - ca2c # n/c coords match better tgt1 = ca2n # rosetta style tgt2 = ca2c # seems better a = tgt1 a /= np.linalg.norm(a, axis=-1)[:, None] c = np.cross(a, tgt2) c /= np.linalg.norm(c, axis=-1)[:, None] b = np.cross(c, a) assert np.allclose(np.sum(a * b, axis=-1), 0) assert np.allclose(np.sum(b * c, axis=-1), 0) assert np.allclose(np.sum(c * a, axis=-1), 0) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(a, axis=-1), 1) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(b, axis=-1), 1) assert np.allclose(np.linalg.norm(c, axis=-1), 1) stubs[:, :3, 0] = a stubs[:, :3, 1] = b stubs[:, :3, 2] = c stubs[:, :3, 3] = ncac[:, 1, :3] stubs[:, 3, 3] = 1 return stubs @nb.jitclass(( ('connections', nt.int32[:, :]), ('file' , nt.int8[:]), ('filehash' , nt.int64), ('components' , nt.int8[:]), ('protocol' , nt.int8[:]), ('name' , nt.int8[:]), ('classes' , nt.int8[:]), ('validated' , nt.boolean), ('_type' , nt.int8[:]), ('base' , nt.int8[:]), ('ncac' , nt.float64[:, :, :]), ('chains' , nt.int32[:,:]), ('ss' , nt.int8[:]), ('stubs' , nt.float64[:, :, :]), )) # yapf: disable class _BBlock: def __init__( self, connections, file, filehash, components, protocol, name, classes, validated, _type, base, ncac, chains, ss, stubs ): self.connections = connections self.file = file self.filehash = filehash self.components = components self.protocol = protocol = name self.classes = classes self.validated = validated self._type = _type self.base = base self.ncac = ncac self.chains = chains = ss self.stubs = stubs assert np.isnan(np.sum(self.ncac)) == False assert np.isnan(np.sum(self.stubs)) == False assert np.isnan(np.sum( == False assert np.isnan(np.sum(self.chains)) == False @property def n_connections(self): return len(self.connections) def conn_dirn(self, i): return self.connections[i, 0] def conn_resids(self, i): return self.connections[i, 2:self.connections[i, 1]] @property def _state(self): """TODO: Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ return ( self.connections, self.file, self.filehash, self.components, self.protocol,, self.classes, self.validated, self._type, self.base, self.ncac, self.chains,, self.stubs )
[docs]@jit def chain_of_ires(bb, ires): """Summary Args: bb (TYPE): Description ires (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ chain = np.empty_like(ires) for i, ir in enumerate(ires): if ir < 0: chain[i] = -1 else: for c in range(len(bb.chains)): if bb.chains[c, 0] <= ir < bb.chains[c, 1]: chain[i] = c return chain
def _make_connections_array(entries, chain_bounds): """TODO: Summary Args: entries (TYPE): Description chain_bounds (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ try: reslists = [_get_connection_residues(e, chain_bounds) for e in entries] except Exception as e: print('make_connections_array failed on', entries, 'error was:', e) return np.zeros((0, 0)) reslists = sorted(reslists, key=lambda x: x[0]) mx = max(len(x) for x in reslists) conn = np.zeros((len(reslists), mx + 2), 'i4') - 1 for i, ires_ary in enumerate(reslists): conn[i, 0] = entries[i]['direction'] == 'C' conn[i, 1] = len(ires_ary) + 2 conn[i, 2:conn[i, 1]] = ires_ary return conn # print(chain_bounds) # print(repr(conn)) def _get_connection_residues(entry, chain_bounds): """TODO: Summary Args: entry (TYPE): Description chain_bounds (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ chain_bounds[-1][-1] r, c, d = entry['residues'], int(entry['chain']), entry['direction'] if isinstance(r, str) and r.startswith('['): r = eval(r) if isinstance(r, list): try: return [int(_) for _ in r] except ValueError: assert len(r) is 1 r = r[0] if r.count(','): c2, r = r.split(',') assert int(c2) == c b, e = r.split(':') if b == '-': b = 0 if e == '-': e = -1 nres = chain_bounds[c - 1][1] - chain_bounds[c - 1][0] b = int(b) if b else 0 e = int(e) if e else nres if e < 0: e += nres return np.array(range(*chain_bounds[c - 1])[b:e], dtype='i4')
[docs]def bblock_components(bblock): """TODO: Summary Args: bblock (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ return eval(bytes(bblock.components))
[docs]def bblock_str(bblock): """TODO: Summary Args: bblock (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ return '\n'.join([ 'jitclass BBlock(', ' file=' + str(bytes(bblock.file)), ' components=' + str(bblock_components(bblock)), ' protocol=' + str(bytes(bblock.protocol)), ' name=' + str(bytes(, ' classes=' + str(bytes(bblock.classes)), ' validated=' + str(bblock.validated), ' _type=' + str(bytes(bblock._type)), ' base=' + str(bytes(bblock.base)), ' ncac=array(shape=' + str(bblock.ncac.shape) + ', dtype=' + str(bblock.ncac.dtype) + ')', ' chains=' + str(bblock.chains), ' ss=array(shape=' + str( + ', dtype=' + str( + ')', ' stubs=array(shape=' + str(bblock.stubs.shape) + ', dtype=' + str(bblock.connections.dtype) + ')', ' connectionsZ=array(shape=' + str(bblock.connections.shape) + ', dtype=' + str(bblock.connections.dtype) + ')', ')', ])