Source code for worms.database

"""TODO: Summary
import os
import json
import random
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
import itertools as it
import logging
from logging import info, warning, error
from random import shuffle
from worms.util import hash_str_to_int as myhash
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from worms import util
from worms.bblock import BBlock, _BBlock

import _pickle as pickle

    # god, I'm so tired of this crap....
    from pyrosetta import pose_from_file
    from pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.dssp import Dssp
except ImportError:

[docs]def flatten_path(pdbfile): if isinstance(pdbfile, bytes): pdbfile = str(pdbfile, 'utf-8') return pdbfile.replace(os.sep, '__') + '.pickle'
[docs]class SpliceDB: """Stores valid NC splices for bblock pairs""" def __init__(self, cachedir=None): if cachedir is None: if 'HOME' in os.environ: cachedir = os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + '.worms/cache' else: cachedir = '.worms/cache' self.cachedir = os.path.join(cachedir, 'splices') self._cache = dict() self._dirty = set()
[docs] def cachepath(self, params, pdbkey): # stock hash ok for tuples of numbers (?) prm = '%016x' % abs(hash(params)) key = '%016x.pickle' % pdbkey return os.path.join(self.cachedir, prm, key)
[docs] def partial(self, params, pdbkey): assert isinstance(pdbkey, int) if (params, pdbkey) not in self._cache: cachefile = self.cachepath(params, pdbkey) if os.path.exists(cachefile): with open(cachefile, 'rb') as f: self._cache[params, pdbkey] = pickle.load(f) else: self._cache[params, pdbkey] = dict() return self._cache[params, pdbkey]
[docs] def add(self, params, pdbkey0, pdbkey1, val): assert isinstance(pdbkey0, int) assert isinstance(pdbkey1, int) self._dirty.add((params, pdbkey0)) self._cache[(params, pdbkey0)][pdbkey1] = val
[docs] def sync_to_disk(self): for i in range(10): for params, pdbkey in list(self._dirty): cachefile = self.cachepath(params, pdbkey) if os.path.exists(cachefile + '.lock'): continue if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(cachefile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cachefile)) with open(cachefile + '.lock', 'w'): with open(cachefile, 'wb') as out: data = self._cache[params, pdbkey] pickle.dump(data, out) os.remove(cachefile + '.lock') self._dirty.remove((params, pdbkey)) if len(self._dirty): print('warning: some caches unsaved', len(self._dirty))
[docs]class BBlockDB: """stores Poses and BBlocks in a disk cache""" def __init__( self, cachedir=None, bakerdb_files=[], load_poses=False, nprocs=1, lazy=True, read_new_pdbs=False, verbosity=0, ): """TODO: Summary Args: cachedir (None, optional): Description bakerdb_files (list, optional): Description load_poses (bool, optional): Description nprocs (int, optional): Description lazy (bool, optional): Description read_new_pdbs (bool, optional): Description """ if cachedir is None: if 'HOME' in os.environ: cachedir = os.environ['HOME'] + os.sep + '.worms/cache' else: cachedir = '.worms/cache' self.cachedir = str(cachedir) self.load_poses = load_poses os.makedirs(self.cachedir + '/poses', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.cachedir + '/bblock', exist_ok=True) self._bblock_cache, self._poses_cache = dict(), dict() self.nprocs = nprocs self.lazy = lazy self.read_new_pdbs = read_new_pdbs self.verbosity = verbosity self._alldb = [] self._holding_lock = False for dbfile in bakerdb_files: with open(dbfile) as f: self._alldb.extend(json.load(f)) for entry in self._alldb: if 'name' not in entry: entry['name'] = '' entry['file'] = entry['file'].replace( '__DATADIR__', os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/data') ) self.dictdb = {e['file']: e for e in self._alldb} self.key_to_pdbfile = { myhash(e['file']): e['file'] for e in self._alldb } if len(self._alldb) != len(self.dictdb): warning('!' * 100) warning( '!' * 23, 'DIRE WARNING: %6i duplicate pdb files in database' % (len(self._alldb) - len(self.dictdb)), '!' * 23 ) warning('!' * 100) info('loading %i db entries' % len(self._alldb)) self.n_new_entries = 0 self.n_missing_entries = len(self._alldb) if not self.lazy: self.n_new_entries, self.n_missing_entries = self.load_from_pdbs() if self._holding_lock: self.unlock_cachedir() if nprocs != 1: # reload because processpool cache entries not serialized back self.nprocs = 1 self.load_from_pdbs() for i, k in enumerate(sorted(self.dictdb)): self._alldb[i] = self.dictdb[k]
[docs] def lock_cachedir(self): assert not os.path.exists(self.cachedir + '/lock'), ( "database is locked! if you're sure no other jobs are editing it, remove " + self.cachedir + "/lock" ) open(self.cachedir + '/lock', 'w').close() assert os.path.exists(self.cachedir + '/lock') self._holding_lock = True
[docs] def unlock_cachedir(self): os.remove(self.cachedir + '/lock') self._holding_lock = False
[docs] def islocked_cachedir(self): return os.path.exists(self.cachedir + '/lock')
[docs] def check_lock_cachedir(self): if not self._holding_lock: self.lock_cachedir()
def __getitem__(self, i): if isinstance(i, str): return self._bblock_cache[i] else: return self._bblock_cache.values()[i] def __len__(self): return len(self._bblock_cache)
[docs] def pose(self, pdbfile): """load pose from _bblock_cache, read from file if not in memory""" if isinstance(pdbfile, bytes): pdbfile = str(pdbfile, 'utf-8') if not pdbfile in self._poses_cache: if not self.load_cached_pose_into_memory(pdbfile): self._poses_cache[pdbfile] = pose_from_file(pdbfile) return self._poses_cache[pdbfile]
[docs] def bblock(self, pdbkey): if isinstance(pdbkey, (str, bytes)): pdbkey = myhash(pdbkey) if isinstance(pdbkey, int): if not pdbkey in self._bblock_cache: if not self.load_cached_bblock_into_memory(pdbkey): pdbfile = self.key_to_pdbfile[pdbkey] raise ValueError('no bblock data for key', pdbkey, pdbfile) return self._bblock_cache[pdbkey] elif isinstance(pdbkey, list): return [self.bblock(f) for f in pdbkey] else: raise ValueError('bad pdbkey' + str(type(pdbkey)))
[docs] def query(self, query, *, useclass=True, max_bblocks=150, shuffle=True): """ match name, _type, _class if one match, use it if _type and _class match, check useclass option Het:NNCx/y require exact number or require extra Args: query (TYPE): Description useclass (bool, optional): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ names = self.query_names(query, useclass=useclass) if len(names) > max_bblocks: if shuffle: random.shuffle(names) names = names[:max_bblocks] return [self.bblock(myhash(n)) for n in names]
[docs] def query_names(self, query, *, useclass=True): """query for names only""" if query.lower() == "all": return [db['file'] for db in self._alldb] query, subq = query.split(':') if query.count(':') else (query, None) if subq is None: c_hits = [db['file'] for db in self._alldb if query in db['class']] n_hits = [db['file'] for db in self._alldb if query == db['name']] t_hits = [db['file'] for db in self._alldb if query == db['type']] if not c_hits and not n_hits: return t_hits if not c_hits and not t_hits: return n_hits if not t_hits and not n_hits: return c_hits if not n_hits: return c_hits if useclass else t_hits assert False, 'invalid database or query' else: excon = None if subq.endswith('X'): excon = True if subq.endswith('Y'): excon = False hits = list() assert query == 'Het' for db in self._alldb: if not query in db['class']: continue nc = [_ for _ in db['connections'] if _['direction'] == 'C'] nn = [_ for _ in db['connections'] if _['direction'] == 'N'] nc, tc = len(nc), subq.count('C') nn, tn = len(nn), subq.count('N') if nc >= tc and nn >= tn: if nc + nn == tc + tn and excon is not True: hits.append(db['file']) elif nc + nn > tc + tn and excon is not False: hits.append(db['file']) return hits
[docs] def load_cached_pose_into_memory(self, pdbfile): posefile = self.posefile(pdbfile) try: with open(posefile, 'rb') as f: try: self._poses_cache[pdbfile] = pickle.load(f) return True except EOFError: warning('corrupt pickled pose will be replaced', posefile) os.remove(posefile) return False except FileNotFoundError: return False
[docs] def bblockfile(self, pdbkey): assert not isinstance(pdbkey, str) return os.path.join(self.cachedir, 'bblock', '%016x.pickle' % pdbkey)
[docs] def load_cached_bblock_into_memory(self, pdbkey): assert not isinstance(pdbkey, (str, bytes)) if not isinstance(pdbkey, int): success = True for f in pdbkey: success &= self.load_cached_bblock_into_memory(f) return success bblockfile = self.bblockfile(pdbkey) try: with open(bblockfile, 'rb') as f: bbstate = list(pickle.load(f)) self._bblock_cache[pdbkey] = _BBlock(*bbstate) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False
[docs] def posefile(self, pdbfile): return os.path.join(self.cachedir, 'poses', flatten_path(pdbfile))
[docs] def load_from_pdbs(self): shuffle(self._alldb) if self.nprocs is 1: with util.InProcessExecutor() as exe: result = self.load_from_pdbs_inner(exe) else: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.nprocs) as exe: result = self.load_from_pdbs_inner(exe) new = [_[0] for _ in result if _[0]] missing = [_[1] for _ in result if _[1]] for miss in missing: self._alldb.remove(self.dictdb[miss]) del self.dictdb[miss] return len(new), len(missing)
[docs] def load_from_pdbs_inner(self, exe): # return, self._alldb) shuffle(self._alldb) r = [] kwargs = { 'total': len(self._alldb), 'unit': 'pdbs', # 'unit_scale': True, 'leave': True } futures = [exe.submit(self.build_pdb_data, e) for e in self._alldb] work = as_completed(futures) if self.verbosity > 1: work = tqdm(work, 'building pdb data', **kwargs) for f in work: r.append(f.result()) return r
[docs] def build_pdb_data(self, entry): """return Nnew, Nmissing""" pdbfile = entry['file'] pdbkey = myhash(pdbfile) cachefile = self.bblockfile(pdbkey) posefile = self.posefile(pdbfile) if os.path.exists(cachefile): assert self.load_cached_bblock_into_memory(pdbkey) if self.load_poses: assert self.load_cached_pose_into_memory(pdbfile) return None, None # new, missing elif self.read_new_pdbs: self.check_lock_cachedir() read_pdb = False # info('BBlockDB.build_pdb_data reading %s' % pdbfile) pose = self.pose(pdbfile) ss = Dssp(pose).get_dssp_secstruct() bblock = BBlock(entry, pdbfile, pdbkey, pose, ss) self._bblock_cache[pdbfile] = bblock with open(cachefile, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(bblock._state, f) if not os.path.exists(posefile): with open(posefile, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pose, f) info('dumped _bblock_cache files for %s' % pdbfile) if self.load_poses: self._poses_cache[pdbfile] = pose return pdbfile, None # new, missing else: warning('no cached data for: ' + pdbfile) return None, pdbfile # new, missing