Source code for worms.pose_contortions

"""TODO: Summary

import os
import itertools as it
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict, namedtuple

import numpy as np

from worms import util

    import pyrosetta
    from pyrosetta import rosetta as ros
    from pyrosetta import rosetta as ros
    rm_lower_t = ros.core.pose.remove_lower_terminus_type_from_pose_residue
    rm_upper_t = ros.core.pose.remove_upper_terminus_type_from_pose_residue
except ImportError:

[docs]class AnnoPose: """TODO: Summary Attributes: cyclic_entry (TYPE): Description iseg (TYPE): Description pose (TYPE): Description src_lb (TYPE): Description src_ub (TYPE): Description srcpose (TYPE): Description """ def __init__(self, pose, iseg, srcpose, src_lb, src_ub, cyclic_entry): """TODO: Summary Args: pose (TYPE): Description iseg (TYPE): Description srcpose (TYPE): Description src_lb (TYPE): Description src_ub (TYPE): Description cyclic_entry (TYPE): Description """ self.pose = pose self.iseg = iseg self.srcpose = srcpose self.src_lb = src_lb self.src_ub = src_ub self.cyclic_entry = cyclic_entry def __iter__(self): """TODO: Summary Yields: TYPE: Description """ yield self.pose yield (self.iseg, self.srcpose, self.src_lb, self.src_ub) def __getitem__(self, i): """TODO: Summary Args: i (TYPE): Description """ if i is 0: return self.pose if i is 1: return (self.iseg, self.srcpose, self.src_lb, self.src_ub)
[docs] def seq(self): """TODO: Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ return self.pose.sequence()
[docs] def srcseq(self): """TODO: Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ return self.srcpose.sequence()[self.src_lb - 1:self.src_ub]
CyclicTrim = namedtuple('CyclicTrim', 'sym_seg_from sym_seg_to'.split())
[docs]def contort_pose_chains( pose, chains, nseg, ir_en, ir_ex, pl_en, pl_ex, chain_start, chain_end, position=None, pad=(0, 0), iseg=None, cyclictrim=None, last_seg_entrypol=None, first_seg_exitpol=None, sym_ir=None, sym_pol=None, ): """make pose chains from 'segment' info what a monster this has become. returns (segchains, rest) segchains elems are [enterexitchain] or, [enterchain, ..., exitchain] rest holds other chains IFF enter and exit in same chain each element is a pair [pose, source] where source is (origin_pose, start_res, stop_res) cyclictrim specifies segments which are spliced across the symmetric interface. segments only needed if cyclictrim==True if cyclictrim, last segment will only be a single entry residue Args: No """ cyclic_entry = defaultdict(lambda: None) if cyclictrim and cyclictrim[1] < 0: cyclictrim = cyclictrim[0], cyclictrim[1] + nseg if cyclictrim and iseg == cyclictrim[0]: # assert ir_en == -1, 'paece sign not implemented yet' sym_ch = pose.chain(sym_ir) cyclictrim_in_rest = False if ir_en == -1: ir_en = sym_ir else: entry_chain, exit_chain = pose.chain(ir_en), pose.chain(ir_ex) if sym_ch not in (entry_chain, exit_chain): cyclictrim_in_rest = True assert sym_ch != entry_chain or sym_pol != pl_en assert sym_ch != exit_chain or sym_pol != pl_ex # annotate enex entries with cyclictrim info cyclic_entry[pose.chain(sym_ir)] = (iseg, sym_ir, sym_pol) if cyclictrim and iseg == cyclictrim[1]: assert ir_ex == -1 assert iseg + 1 == nseg i = ir_en p = util.subpose(pose, i, i) if position is not None: util.xform_pose(position, p) return [AnnoPose(p, iseg, pose, i, i, None)], [] ch_en = pose.chain(ir_en) if ir_en > 0 else None ch_ex = pose.chain(ir_ex) if ir_ex > 0 else None if cyclictrim and iseg == 0: pl_en = last_seg_entrypol if cyclictrim and iseg + 1 == nseg: assert 0, 'last segment not returned as single entry residue?!?' pl_ex = first_seg_exitpol if ch_en: ir_en -= chain_start[ch_en] if ch_ex: ir_ex -= chain_start[ch_ex] assert ch_en or ch_ex rest = OrderedDict() did_cyclictrim_in_rest = False for i in range(1, len(chains) + 1): pchain = chains[i] lb = chain_start[i] + 1 ub = chain_end[i] if cyclic_entry[i] is not None: if i not in (ch_en, ch_ex): did_cyclictrim_in_rest = True ir = cyclic_entry[i][1] - chain_start[i] pchain, lb, ub = util.trim_pose(pchain, ir, cyclic_entry[i][2]) lb += chain_start[i] ub += chain_start[i] rest[chains[i]] = AnnoPose(pchain, iseg, pose, lb, ub, cyclic_entry[i]) assert rest[chains[i]].seq() == rest[chains[i]].srcseq() if cyclictrim and iseg == cyclictrim[0]: if cyclictrim_in_rest != did_cyclictrim_in_rest: print( 'cyclictrim_in_rest', cyclictrim_in_rest, 'did_cyclictrim_in_rest', did_cyclictrim_in_rest ) print('iseg', iseg, 'len(chains)', len(chains)) assert cyclictrim_in_rest == did_cyclictrim_in_rest if ch_en: del rest[chains[ch_en]] if ch_en == ch_ex: assert len(rest) + 1 == len(chains) p, l1, u1 = util.trim_pose(chains[ch_en], ir_en, pl_en, pad[0]) iexit1 = ir_ex - (pl_ex == 'C') * (len(chains[ch_en]) - len(p)) p, l2, u2 = util.trim_pose(p, iexit1, pl_ex, pad[1] - 1) lb = l1 + l2 - 1 + chain_start[ch_en] ub = l1 + u2 - 1 + chain_start[ch_en] enex = [AnnoPose(p, iseg, pose, lb, ub, cyclic_entry[ch_en])] assert p.sequence() == pose.sequence()[lb - 1:ub] rest = list(rest.values()) else: if ch_ex: del rest[chains[ch_ex]] p_en = [chains[ch_en]] if ch_en else [] p_ex = [chains[ch_ex]] if ch_ex else [] if p_en: p, lben, uben = util.trim_pose(p_en[0], ir_en, pl_en, pad[0]) lb = lben + chain_start[ch_en] ub = uben + chain_start[ch_en] p_en = [AnnoPose(p, iseg, pose, lb, ub, cyclic_entry[ch_en])] assert p.sequence() == pose.sequence()[lb - 1:ub] if p_ex: p, lbex, ubex = util.trim_pose(p_ex[0], ir_ex, pl_ex, pad[1] - 1) lb = lbex + chain_start[ch_ex] ub = ubex + chain_start[ch_ex] p_ex = [AnnoPose(p, iseg, pose, lb, ub, cyclic_entry[ch_ex])] assert p.sequence() == pose.sequence()[lb - 1:ub] enex = p_en + list(rest.values()) + p_ex rest = [] for ap in rest: s1 = str(ap.pose.sequence()) s2 = str(ap.srcpose.sequence()[ap.src_lb - 1:ap.src_ub]) if s1 != s2: print( 'WARNING: sequence mismatch in "rest", maybe OK, but ' 'proceed with caution and tell will to fix!' ) # print(s1) # print(s2) assert s1 == s2 if position is not None: position = util.rosetta_stub_from_numpy_stub(position) for x in enex: x.pose = x.pose.clone() for x in rest: x.pose = x.pose.clone() for ap in it.chain(enex, rest): ros.protocols.sic_dock.xform_pose(ap.pose, position) for iap, ap in enumerate(it.chain(enex, rest)): assert isinstance(ap, AnnoPose) assert ap.iseg == iseg assert ap.seq() == ap.srcseq() # a = ap.seq() # b = ap.srcseq() # if a != b: # print('WARNING sequence mismatch!', iap, len(enex), len(rest)) # print(a) # print(b) # assert a == b return enex, rest
[docs]def reorder_spliced_as_N_to_C(body_chains, polarities): """remap chains of each body such that concatenated chains are N->C Args: body_chains (TYPE): Description polarities (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description Raises: ValueError: Description """ if len(body_chains) != len(polarities) + 1: raise ValueError('must be one more body_chains than polarities') chains, pol = [[]], {} if not all(0 < len(dg) for dg in body_chains): raise ValueError( 'body_chains values must be [enterexit], ' '[enter,exit], or [enter, ..., exit' ) for i in range(1, len(polarities)): if len(body_chains[i]) == 1: if polarities[i - 1] != polarities[i]: raise ValueError('polarity mismatch on single chain connect') for i, dg in enumerate(body_chains): chains[-1].append(dg[0]) if i != 0: pol[len(chains) - 1] = polarities[i - 1] if len(dg) > 1: chains.extend([x] for x in dg[1:]) for i, chain in enumerate(chains): if i in pol and pol[i] == 'C': chains[i] = chains[i][::-1] return chains
def _cyclic_permute_chains(chainslist, polarity): """TODO: Summary Args: chainslist (TYPE): Description polarity (TYPE): Description """ chainslist_beg = 0 for i, cl in enumerate(chainslist): if any(x.cyclic_entry for x in cl): assert chainslist_beg == 0 chainslist_beg = i beg, end = chainslist[chainslist_beg], chainslist[-1] # if chainslist_beg != 0: # raise NotImplementedError('peace sign not working yet') n2c = (polarity == 'N') if n2c: stub1 = util.get_bb_stubs(beg[0][0], [1]) stub2 = util.get_bb_stubs(end[-1][0], [1]) rm_lower_t(beg[0][0], 1) end = end[:-1] else: # from . import vis # for i, b in enumerate(beg): vis.showme(b[0], name='beg_%i' % i) # for i, e in enumerate(end): vis.showme(e[0], name='end_%i' % i) stub1 = util.get_bb_stubs(beg[-1][0], [len(beg[-1][0])]) stub2 = util.get_bb_stubs(end[0][0], [1]) rm_upper_t(beg[-1][0], len(beg[-1][0])) assert len(end[0][0]) == 1 end = end[1:] xalign = stub1[0] @ np.linalg.inv(stub2[0]) # print(xalign.shape) for p in end: util.xform_pose(xalign, p[0]) if n2c: chainslist[chainslist_beg] = end + beg else: chainslist[chainslist_beg] = beg + end chainslist[-1] = []
[docs]def make_contorted_pose( *, entryexits, entrypol, exitpol, indices, from_seg, to_seg, origin_seg, seg_pos, position, is_cyclic, align, cryst_info, end, iend, only_connected, join, cyclic_permute, cyclictrim, provenance, make_chain_list ): # yapf: disable """there be dragons here""" nseg = len(entryexits) entryexits, rest = zip(*entryexits) for ap in it.chain(*entryexits, *rest): assert isinstance(ap, AnnoPose) chainslist = reorder_spliced_as_N_to_C(entryexits, entrypol[1:iend]) if align: for ap in it.chain(*chainslist, *rest): util.xform_pose(position, ap.pose) if cyclic_permute and len(chainslist) > 1: cyclic_entry_count = 0 for ap in it.chain(*entryexits, *rest): cyclic_entry_count += (ap.cyclic_entry is not None) assert cyclic_entry_count == 1 _cyclic_permute_chains(chainslist, entrypol[-1]) assert len(chainslist[-1]) == 0 chainslist = chainslist[:-1] sourcelist = [[x[1] for x in c] for c in chainslist] chainslist = [[x[0] for x in c] for c in chainslist] ret_chain_list = [] pose = ros.core.pose.Pose() prov0 = [] splicepoints = [] for chains, sources in zip(chainslist, sourcelist): if (only_connected and len(chains) is 1 and (end or chains is not chainslist[-1])): skipsegs = ((to_seg, from_seg) if not is_cyclic else []) skipsegs = [nseg - 1 if x is -1 else x for x in skipsegs] if origin_seg is not None: skipsegs.append(origin_seg) if ((only_connected == 'auto' and sources[0][0] in skipsegs) or only_connected != 'auto'): continue if make_chain_list: ret_chain_list.append(chains[0]) ros.core.pose.append_pose_to_pose(pose, chains[0], True) prov0.append(sources[0]) for chain, source in zip(chains[1:], sources[1:]): assert isinstance(chain, ros.core.pose.Pose) rm_upper_t(pose, len(pose)) rm_lower_t(chain, 1) splicepoints.append(len(pose)) if make_chain_list: ret_chain_list.append(chain) ros.core.pose.append_pose_to_pose(pose, chain, not join) prov0.append(source) if not only_connected or only_connected == 'auto': for chain, source in it.chain(*rest): assert isinstance(chain, ros.core.pose.Pose) if make_chain_list: ret_chain_list.append(chain) ros.core.pose.append_pose_to_pose(pose, chain, True) prov0.append(source) assert util.worst_CN_connect(pose) < 0.5 assert util.no_overlapping_adjacent_residues(pose) if cryst_info: ci = ci.A(cryst_info[0]) #cell dimensions ci.B(cryst_info[1]) ci.C(cryst_info[2]) ci.alpha(cryst_info[3]) #cell angles ci.beta(cryst_info[4]) ci.gamma(cryst_info[5]) ci.spacegroup(cryst_info[6]) #sace group pi = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.PDBInfo(pose) pi.set_crystinfo(ci) pose.pdb_info(pi) if not provenance and make_chain_list: return pose, ret_chain_list if not provenance: return pose, splicepoints prov = [] for i, pr in enumerate(prov0): iseg, psrc, lb0, ub0 = pr lb1 = sum(ub - lb + 1 for _, _, lb, ub in prov0[:i]) + 1 ub1 = lb1 + ub0 - lb0 if ub0 == lb0: assert cyclic_permute continue assert ub0 - lb0 == ub1 - lb1 assert 0 < lb0 <= len(psrc) and 0 < ub0 <= len(psrc) assert 0 < lb1 <= len(pose) and 0 < ub1 <= len(pose) # if psrc.sequence()[lb0 - 1:ub0] != pose.sequence()[lb1 - 1:ub1]: # print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") assert psrc.sequence()[lb0 - 1:ub0] == pose.sequence()[lb1 - 1:ub1] prov.append((lb1, ub1, psrc, lb0, ub0)) if make_chain_list: return pose, prov, ret_chain_list return pose, prov