Source code for worms.vertex

"""TODO: Summary

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import numba.types as nt
from homog import is_homog_xform
from worms import util
from worms.bblock import chain_of_ires, _BBlock
from logging import warning
import concurrent.futures as cf
from worms.util import InProcessExecutor, jit
from worms.criteria import cyclic

    ('x2exit'  , nt.float64[:, :, :]),
    ('x2orig'  , nt.float64[:, :, :]),
    ('inout'   , nt.int32[:, :]),
    ('inbreaks', nt.int32[:]),
    ('ires'    , nt.int32[:, :]),
    ('isite'   , nt.int32[:, :]),
    ('ichain'  , nt.int32[:, :]),
    ('ibblock' , nt.int32[:]),
    ('dirn'    , nt.int32[:]),
    ('min_seg_len', nt.int32),
))  # yapf: disable
class _Vertex:
    """contains data for one topological vertex in the topological graph

        dirn (TYPE): Description
        ibblock (TYPE): Description
        ichain (TYPE): Description
        inout (TYPE): Description
        ires (TYPE): Description
        isite (TYPE): Description
        x2exit (TYPE): Description
        x2orig (TYPE): Description

    def __init__(
            self, x2exit, x2orig, ires, isite, ichain, ibblock, inout,
            inbreaks, dirn, min_seg_len
        """TODO: Summary

            x2exit (TYPE): Description
            x2orig (TYPE): Description
            ires (TYPE): Description
            isite (TYPE): Description
            ichain (TYPE): Description
            ibblock (TYPE): Description
            inout (TYPE): Description
            dirn (TYPE): Description

        Deleted Parameters:
            bblock (TYPE): Description
        self.x2exit = x2exit
        self.x2orig = x2orig
        self.ires = ires
        self.isite = isite
        self.ichain = ichain
        self.ibblock = ibblock
        self.inout = inout
        self.inbreaks = inbreaks
        self.dirn = dirn
        self.min_seg_len = min_seg_len

    def entry_index(self):
        return self.inout[:, 0]

    def exit_index(self):
        return self.inout[:, 1]

    def entry_range(self, ienter):
        assert ienter >= 0, ' bad ienter, < 0'
        assert ienter <= len(self.inbreaks), ' bad ienter'
        return self.inbreaks[ienter], self.inbreaks[ienter + 1]

    def len(self):

            TYPE: Description
        return len(self.ires)

    def _state(self):
        return (
            self.x2exit, self.x2orig, self.ires, self.isite, self.ichain,
            self.ibblock, self.inout, self.inbreaks, self.dirn,

def _check_inorder(ires):
    for i in range(len(ires) - 1):
        if ires[i] > ires[i + 1]:
            return False
    return True

[docs]def vertex_single(bbstate, bbid, din, dout, min_seg_len, verbosity=0): """build on bblock's worth of vertex""" bb = _BBlock(*bbstate) ires0, ires1 = [], [] isite0, isite1 = [], [] for i in range(bb.n_connections): ires = bb.conn_resids(i) if bb.conn_dirn(i) == din: ires0.append(ires) isite0.append(np.repeat(i, len(ires))) if bb.conn_dirn(i) == dout: ires1.append(ires) isite1.append(np.repeat(i, len(ires))) dirn = 'NC_' [din] + 'NC_' [dout] if (din < 2 and not ires0 or dout < 2 and not ires1): if verbosity > 0: warning('invalid vertex ' + dirn + ' ' + bytes(bb.file).decode()) return None dummy = [np.array([-1], dtype='i4')] ires0 = np.concatenate(ires0 or dummy) ires1 = np.concatenate(ires1 or dummy) isite0 = np.concatenate(isite0 or dummy) isite1 = np.concatenate(isite1 or dummy) chain0 = chain_of_ires(bb, ires0) chain1 = chain_of_ires(bb, ires1) if ires0[0] == -1: assert len(ires0) is 1 else: assert np.all(ires0 >= 0) if ires1[0] == -1: assert len(ires1) is 1 else: assert np.all(ires1 >= 0) if ires0[0] == -1: stub0inv = np.eye(4).reshape(1, 4, 4) else: stub0inv = np.linalg.inv(bb.stubs[ires0]) if ires1[0] == -1: stub1 = np.eye(4).reshape(1, 4, 4) else: stub1 = bb.stubs[ires1] assert _check_inorder(ires0) assert _check_inorder(ires1) stub0inv, stub1 = np.broadcast_arrays(stub0inv[:, None], stub1) ires = np.stack(np.broadcast_arrays(ires0[:, None], ires1), axis=-1) isite = np.stack(np.broadcast_arrays(isite0[:, None], isite1), axis=-1) chain = np.stack(np.broadcast_arrays(chain0[:, None], chain1), axis=-1) x2exit = stub0inv @ stub1 x2orig = stub0inv # assert is_homog_xform(x2exit) # this could be slowish # assert is_homog_xform(x2orig) # min chain len, not same site not_same_chain = chain[..., 0] != chain[..., 1] not_same_site = isite[..., 0] != isite[..., 1] seqsep = np.abs(ires[..., 0] - ires[..., 1]) # remove invalid in/out pairs (+ is or, * is and) valid = not_same_site valid *= (not_same_chain + (seqsep >= min_seg_len)) valid = valid.reshape(-1) if np.sum(valid) == 0: return None return ( x2exit.reshape(-1, 4, 4)[valid], x2orig.reshape(-1, 4, 4)[valid], ires.reshape(-1, 2)[valid].astype('i4'), isite.reshape(-1, 2)[valid].astype('i4'), chain.reshape(-1, 2)[valid].astype('i4'), np.repeat(bbid, np.sum(valid)).astype('i4'), )
@jit def _check_bbires_inorder(ibblock, ires): prev = -np.ones(np.max(ibblock) + 1, dtype=np.int32) for i in range(len(ires)): if ires[i] >= 0: if ires[i] < prev[ibblock[i]]: # print('_check_bbires_inorder err', i) return False prev[ibblock[i]] = ires[i] return True
[docs]def Vertex(bbs, dirn, bbids=None, min_seg_len=1, verbosity=0): """Summary Args: bbs (TYPE): Description bbids (TYPE): Description dirn (TYPE): Description min_seg_len (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ dirn_map = {'N': 0, 'C': 1, '_': 2} din = dirn_map[dirn[0]] dout = dirn_map[dirn[1]] if bbids is None: bbids = np.arange(len(bbs)) # exe = cf.ProcessPoolExecutor if parallel else InProcessExecutor # with exe() as pool: # futures = list() # for bb, bid in zip(bbs, bbids): # futures.append( # pool. # submit(vertex_single, bb._state, bid, din, dout, min_seg_len) # ) # verts = [f.result() for f in futures] verts = [ vertex_single( bb._state, bid, din, dout, min_seg_len, verbosity=verbosity ) for bb, bid in zip(bbs, bbids) ] verts = [v for v in verts if v is not None] if not verts: raise ValueError('no way to make vertex: \'' + dirn + '\'') tup = tuple(np.concatenate(_) for _ in zip(*verts)) assert len({x.shape[0] for x in tup}) == 1 ibblock, ires = tup[5], tup[2] # print(np.stack((ibblock, ires[:, 1])).T) assert _check_bbires_inorder(ibblock, ires[:, 0]) # not true as some pruned from validity checks # assert _check_bbires_inorder(ibblock, ires[:, 1]) inout = np.stack([ util.unique_key_int32s(ibblock, ires[:, 0]), util.unique_key_int32s(ibblock, ires[:, 1]) ], axis=-1).astype('i4') # inout2 = np.stack([ # util.unique_key(ibblock, ires[:, 0]), # util.unique_key(ibblock, ires[:, 1]) # ], # axis=-1).astype('i4') # if not np.all(inout == inout2): # np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan) # print( # np.stack(( # inout[:, 0], inout2[:, 0], ibblock, ires[:, 0], inout[:, 1], # inout2[:, 1], ibblock, ires[:, 1] # )).T # ) # assert inout.shape == inout2.shape # assert np.all(inout == inout2) inbreaks = util.contig_idx_breaks(inout[:, 0]) assert inbreaks.dtype == np.int32 assert np.all(inbreaks <= len(inout)) return _Vertex( *tup, inout, inbreaks, np.array([din, dout], dtype='i4'), min_seg_len )